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Bird Flu Spreads to Cattle. FDA Says it Could Kill 1 in 4 Americans Behind The Line Podcast: Conservative News & Opinions

Bird flu has no spread to cattle, it's in 1 out of 5 milk containers in the US. The FDA says it's concerned and working on anti virals and a vaccine. They believe a future outbreak could kill 1 in 4 Americans, even though only 2 people in the US have ever gotten it and both survived. Is this the next pandemic? #h5n1 #birdflu #avianflu #behindtheline #cdc #fda #vaccine #antiviral #birdlfuincattle #news #pandemic #milk #cattle #conservativepodcast #conservativeopinions #conservativeviews #conservativevalues #prep #prepper #preppernews #shtf #shtfnews #survival #survivalnews #areyouready #willyousurvive — Support this podcast:
  1. Bird Flu Spreads to Cattle. FDA Says it Could Kill 1 in 4 Americans
  2. PNW College Campus Protests, EV Subsidies, Inslee & Sideshow at Odds, Gas Prices, Organ Transplants
  3. Record Government Spending, Judge Says 2A Doesn't Exist, WHO Pandemic Treaty, Climate Energency?
  4. Breaking News: Israel Strikes Back at Iran
  5. Iran/Israel. Missouri goes after homeschooling. Police staffing. Central Bank doomsday book. Taxes..

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About me
and the show

I live in one of the most liberal, socialist, crazy area’s of the United States. It seems everyday our constitution has been thrown out the window. Our crazy politicians; local and national, have thrown common sense away and are destroying this country and taking our rights and freedoms away. Mainstream media just regurgitates the political propaganda. I started this podcast to combat the lies. I am also a freelance journalist and podcaster for Net News Network. Before this I worked as a firefighter, police officer, and was a supervisor for a 911 center. I spent over 20 years working in public safety. I also owned a private investigation and security business, a bail bonds business and worked as a fugitive recovery agent for 16 years.

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